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about the book

Eat this scroll, then speak (Ezekiel 3:1-4)

“Because you speak these words, behold, I will make my words in your mouth fire.” (Jeremiah 5:14)

“Every word of God is pure; he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” (Proverbs 30:5)

This book was written out of revelation, which brings conviction. The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

This book………. Good Morning Common Sense, tells us how to wake up with common sense. It inspires us to deeply aspire to the things of God. It inspires us to desire what God requires. It teaches us how to behave according to our belief as believers. As you read and meditate, may God cause His face to shine upon your life, family, and ministry. May you receive heavenly-inspired wisdom in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen Expect your miracles and be ready to share your testimony soon in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

The Author,

Obi-K Stanley, hails from Okohia in Ihiala, L.G.A., Anambra State, Nigeria, West Africa. He is the author of Solomonic Logic and is still Alive, The Possible in Impossible, Unfold the Truth, Brightness of Light Against The Blacknesses Darknesses from Street to Palace, Danielic Ruminations/Inspiration, to get rankly all, to glory got Palace.This book and the wisdom in it,is covered with blood of Jesus Christ.

For more books, please kindly visit us on www.archangelspeaceand.com
Facebook; Archangels Adoration Chapel.
Email us at obikstanleymusic@gmail.com / Info@archangelspeaceand.com / stanleyobik@gmail.com
Mobile: +233 531447278.


about the book


Brightness of light against the dirtiness of the blackness of darkness. This is why, wherever you see purity, holiness, righteousness, divinity, divine love, kindness, cleanliness, goodness, there you see God. Because, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24) And it was also written in Matthew 5:8 ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’

Do you want to see God?

  •  Then, be pure in heart as a believer.
  • Worship God in spirit and truth.
  • Be a seeker after Holiness and Righteousness of God.
  • Be led by Divine Love.
  • Live by the word of God and be led by the Holy Spirit.
  • Do good with a clear conscience and a clean mind in
  • Jesus Christ name.

Always remember that you are the salt of the Earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men’. ‘You are the light of the world. A city that is set on hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp-stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.’ Matthew 5:13-16 The dirtiness of the blackness of Darkness. This is why, wherever you see sexual immorality like adultery, fornication, masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism etc or uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contention, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelries, wickedness, all these dirtiness of the blackness of Darkness, there you see Satan.

The Author,

Obi-K Stanley, hails from Okohia in Ihiala, L.G.A., Anambra State, Nigeria, West Africa. He is the author of Solomonic Logic and is still Alive, The Possible in Impossible, Unfold the Truth, Brightness of Light Against The Blacknesses Darknesses from Street to Palace, Danielic Ruminations/Inspiration, to get rankly all, to glory got Palace.This book and the wisdom in it,is covered with blood of Jesus Christ.

For more books, please kindly visit us on www.archangelspeaceand.com
Facebook; Archangels Adoration Chapel.
Email us at obikstanleymusic@gmail.com / Info@archangelspeaceand.com / stanleyobik@gmail.com
Mobile: +233 531447278.


about the book


This book was written out of revelation, which brings conviction.
The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

This book, Inspiration to Greatness, tells us how solution through salvation brings conviction. It inspires us to aspire to God and the things of God deeply! It teaches us how to behave according to our beliefs as believers and maintain an unbreakable relationship with God. It teaches us how to invest wisely to harvest joyfully.

It teaches us how to go about the spiritual, psychological, and physical affairs of life using and adhering to the word of God (SPP).

It tells us how to balance the SPP affairs of life—spiritual, psychological, and physical affairs of life. This book helps us to be inspired and become great in life, excelling with exploits to the glory of God.

As you read and meditate, may God cause His face to shine upon your life, family, and ministry. May you receive heavenly inspiration in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen. Expect your miracles and be ready to share your testimony soon in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen!

The Author,

Obi-K Stanley hails from Okohia in Ihiala, L.G.A., Anambra State, Nigeria, West Africa. He is the author of Solomonic Logic and is still Alive, The Possible in Impossible, Unfold the Truth, Brightness of Light Against The Blacknesses Darknesses from Street to Palace, Danielic Ruminations/Inspiration, to get rankly all, to glory got Palace.This book and the wisdom in it,is covered with blood of Jesus Christ.

For more books, please kindly visit us on www.archangelspeaceand.com
Facebook; Archangels Adoration Chapel.
Email us at obikstanleymusic@gmail.com / Info@archangelspeaceand.com / stanleyobik@gmail.com
Mobile: +233 531447278.


about the book


To God be the glory for all wisdom, knowledge, grace and understanding come from him. The contents of this book portray the good and bad in making choices or choosing a vocation in life, especially when done with a rightful or truthful guide and guard. A section of the book balances and educates children on how to say, a Capital No to premarital sex or premature sex. And it also teaches the adults both married and unmarried how to self control and discipline the five powers in and on their body system which includes, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, very usefully.

This book is very useful to everybody because in it you find out how a young man called Perez Ikennakanna escaped HIV, and how he laughed over Aids, wholeheartedly! And later became a Monk. Truly, there is always a possibility in the impossibility, which is why in this profound book, Possible in Impossible, the wisdom of Jesus Christ sought by many of us has been plainly written clearly to help mankind live a happy life both here on earth and beyond.

Willing to read?

The Possible in Impossible is a fascinating story about Perez Ikennakanna, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Paulicap Ikennakanna. This book tells us how Perez’s father said Capital No! To Perez’s Christian vocation and made Perez unintentionally travel to Ghana for football reasons, where he got woefully disappointed by his unseen friend called David. He was later employed by the Seraphic restaurant, where he met Chumsy. Perez and Chumsy later became love birds, but Perez did not know that his friend Chumsy was HIV positive until one day, when Perez, after his evangelical strategies and cunning, convinced Chumsy’s parents to allow him to take Chumsy on an outing in order for him to achieve his marriage plans with Chumsy!

The Author

Obi-K Stanley, hails from Okohia in Ihiala, L.G.A., Anambra State, Nigeria, West Africa. He is the author of Solomonic Logic and is still Alive, The Possible in Impossible, Unfold the Truth, Brightness of Light Against The Blacknesses Darknesses from Street to Palace, Danielic Ruminations/Inspiration, to get rankly all, to glory got Palace.This book and the wisdom in it,is covered with blood of Jesus Christ.

For more books, please kindly visit us on www.archangelspeaceand.com
Facebook; Archangels Adoration Chapel.
Email us at obikstanleymusic@gmail.com / Info@archangelspeaceand.com / stanleyobik@gmail.com
Mobile: +233 531447278.