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Voice of solution
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With your support in the name of Jesus Christ, we will continue to produce these books into more hard copies. There are lots of people who are not able to access internet from there location in Africa, with your support to produce these books into more copies, they will be blessed with a copy of this book. If this ministry have been a blessing to you in any way, please kindly support our mission work to the glory of God. Use any of our divinely provided ways of transaction in Jesus Christ name.
Thank you kindly for your support.
Matthew 10:7-8 “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”.
For your donation to support our mission work in the name of Jesus Christ.
For you to receive a reward and anointing that takes one from better to best or for your mega breakthroughs in every challenging situations of your life, destiny, marriage, business, ministry, Please say this prayer before sending your donation.
In Jesus Christ name, I stand with the help of the Holy Spirit before you my Holy Father Lord God, the Creator and the Commander in chief of Heaven and Earth, and I tap into your overflowing anointing. I receive a miracle now as I sow this seed of faith to support the mission work. I shall give testimonies that will make many to see reasons in my life to give their life to Jesus Christ, reasons in my life to sing your praises and worship you for who you are. I will have Testimonies that will silent my enemies and testimonies that will introduce Jesus Christ to many as I share it. In Jesus Christ name it is done, finished and settled for me Amen.
Send your donation in Jesus Christ name.
“Be Determined, Confident and Proud because God has a Son ‘Jesus Christ’ in you, in your family and in your ministry of kindness to the glory of His name.”
Thank you kindly.
God bless you more abundantly.
Good Morning, Common Sense
This book was written out of revelation which brings conviction. The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerned of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
Unfold The Truth
Unfold The Truth
Brightness of light against the dirtiness of the blackness of darkness. This is why, wherever you see purity, holiness, righteousness, divinity, divine love, kindness, cleanliness, goodness, there you see God. Because, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24) And it was also written in Matthew 5:8 ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’
Inspiration To Greatness
This book, Inspiration to Greatness tells us how solution through salvation brings conviction. It inspires us to aspire God and the things of God deeply! It teaches us how to behave our belief as believers and maintain an unbreakable relationship with God. It teaches us how to invest wisely to harvest joyfully.
Unfold The Truth
The Possibility In Impossible
This book is very useful to everybody because in it you find out how a young man called Perez Ikennakanna escaped HIV and how he laughed over Aids wholeheartedly! And later, he became a monk. Truly, there is always a possibility in the impossibility, which is why in this profound book, Possible in Impossible, the wisdom of Jesus Christ sought by many of us has been plainly written clearly to help mankind live a happy life both here on earth and beyond.
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