God is God in Heaven and on earth. God is God everywhere. God is God at all times.
Our Gospel Album “GOD IS GOD” is now available! Each song in this gospel album contains a list of non medical vitamins and also spiritual vitamins you need in life as a Believer! The vitamins include: Vitamin M, money from God, Deuteronomy 8:18; Vitamin R. Rest from God, Matthew 11:28; Vitamin S&H. Salvation and happiness from God, Acts 4:12 & Luke 11:28; Vitamin JD. Joyful dance from God, Psalm 30:11-12 & Colossians 1:27; Vitamin P&P. Praise of God and peace from God, Psalm 50:23 & John 20:21-22; Vitamin L&L. Laugh and love your neighbor as yourself. Genesis 21:6 & Matthew 22:39 and Vitamin F. Forgive at all times, Mark 11:25. There are more non medical vitamins and spiritual vitamins in these gospel songs that can boost your spiritual immunity in Jesus Christ name! To play, listen and download any of the songs from the album, here is our digital store. Thanks for playing! Thanks for listening! Happy download!